Need More Information On Printable Fake Money?



Islamic tips!

1. Hadhrat Abu Khimari (Allah be pleased with him) narrates a lengthy hadith in which Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The world is of four (types) of persons, (one among the four) is a man whom Allah Ta'ala granted wealth as well as understanding of the Deen. He fears his Raab and is kind (and renders service) to his relatives. And, in regard to the wealth he follows the commands of Allah and discharges rights. This man is the noblest..." (Tirmidhi).(Hayaat-ul-Muslimeen. by Mohammad Ashraf Ali Thanvi).

2. Hadhrat Mugheerah (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Allah Ta'ala detests that you destroy wealth (i.e. by means of wasting)." (Bukhari, Muslim).(Hayaat-ul-Muslimeen. by Mohammad Ashraf Ali Thanvi).

The two paragraph above is the saying (hadith) of Rasulullah SAW about personal finance. The sayings tell everybody to:

"Use money for good purposes and never waste money"

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